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  1. I don't know how my mother was able to teach all her 5 cats not to bite or nibble as you guys put it. They have no bitting rule in the house and all her cats keep to it. They will scratch you though but never bite.
  2. This is the best way to stop this from happening. My mother had to call in an emergency one time when her cat climbed up a tree so high it refused to come down on her own. It was a big scare for her that very day.
  3. If someone can't properly take care of any pet they decide to keep, it's better they don't have them to begin with because they're just putting the poor animal in danger.
  4. There was a day I visited my mother, I saw her kittens playing. They were a joy to watch but something very funny happened. One of them was just playing but all of a sudden walked small, stopped and slept off. It was like her battery die off and she shutdown 😂. It was a very funny thing to watch happen.
  5. Cats have a mind of their own when it comes to playing. They are not like dogs that always want to play but whenever they do want to know, it's always a blast. They make it count for all the time they've been calm and quiet.
  6. Nope, it's not something I would want to see at all for any reason whatsoever. The last time I saw a dog giving birth, it had me traumatised for weeks. I can't have myself going through that again.
  7. Personally, I would prefer to have them adopted as kittens because that's going to allow me start bonding with them at a very young age.
  8. As a cat owner, you must understand the importance of spaying and neutering your cats for their own health care. If you allow them to get pregnant at their own will, you're endangering them because it increases their mortality rate. Have you had your cats spayed or neutered?
  9. Do you like leaving your cats to go outside and explore or are you always keeping them in doors in order to avoid having them involved in accidents. If you're the type who let's his or her cats go outside, what have they brought home for you as a present? What's the worst thing your cat has brought home to you as a gift?
  10. My mother have 5 cats and she makes sure to celebrate each and every one of their birthday whenever it's time without missing anyone. I do the same thing for my dogs too and if I keep cats, I'll equally do the same thing for them. Do you celebrate your cat's birthday? When was the last time you celebrated your cat's birthday?
  11. There are so many stray cats out there today that it hurts me so much seeing them homeless. I don't keep cats but I have found a way to keep a shelter for them outside my home. I keep food and liquid for them to have whenever they come around. Do you have a cat shelter outside for stray cats?
  12. Hello everyone! I'm Heatman. I'm very happy to become a part of this cat community. Even though I don't keep cats yet but I have so much love for them the same way I love dogs. My mother loves and keeps cats. It's how I came to love them too.
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