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Shortie last won the day on April 22

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  1. Smokey used to have a habit of stealing food if you were not paying attention when eating. We had to be really careful so she didn't grab anything she wasn't supposed to have.
  2. I started posting on forums in around 2003 and have been posting on forums and have owned my own forums on and off since then.
  3. This is awesome! Congratulations on 2K! 🙂 Here's to 5000!
  4. I would never keep rats, tarantulas or snakes as a pet. We have neighbours a few doors down who have a snake and a tarantula as a pet. They keep them safe in tanks though.
  5. Smokey used to do this when she was younger but as she got older, she didn't do it as much. She was a pain for doing it when we were cooking in the kitchen though LOL.
  6. Smokey used to take small naps during the day but would be active throughout the day and sleep on a night. She always knew it was bed time and used to sit and wait for me to go to bed, she hated it if I was a little later than normal to bed.
  7. Smokey used to always get rewarded for good behaviour and it really helped in getting her to not do things such as scratching the furniture and such.
  8. Smokey used to always do this if she didn't want to eat the food we had given her. As she got older, she got picky with her food and this was her way of telling us that she didn't like it LOL
  9. It is still early for me today but so far, my day has gone well. My shopping turned up early this morning and I have been able to do everything so far I have wanted to do. Just waiting on a delivery and then I can chill for the weekend 🙂
  10. Smokey always hated the heat during the summer months. Each year it would get hotter and we would have frequent heat waves and she always struggled in them. The year she passed, July 2022, a few weeks later we had the hottest heatwave we have ever had and I was thankful that she did not have to go through that.
  11. We have a lot of cloud cover today and it looks like we have rain heading in with a storm. I am happier it's warmer but hate that we get rain and storms when it does get warmer.
  12. Smokey used to always be drinking a lot more water throughout the warmer months. We found that she preferred bottled water to water straight from the tap.
  13. When we had Smokey, she used to follow us quite a lot around the house but she never followed any of us into the bathroom. She would instead sit outside the bathroom and wait for us.
  14. I feel that in some cases, kids can be a little too rough with kittens and cats until they are told otherwise or it is explained to them that being rough with them will hurt them.
  15. As much as I prefer to be a night owl, my body does not allow me to stay up as late as I used to.
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